
Uniting in Hope During COVID-19

Apr 24, 2020

Now that immediate shock of social distancing and shelter-in-place orders has worn off, it’s clear that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has altered normalcy around the globe. Some changes will only be temporary, but some are here to stay. For now, all we know is that life and business as usual will be different going forward. w3r Consulting is no exception.

A Time to Cherish Those We Love

In a relatively short time, we’ve watched as people on our team or our family members have been afflicted with COVID-19 and fought back. Some have survived the ravages of the disease and are taking their time to recuperate. Others have passed away and will be forever in our hearts and memories.

The unpredictability of this virus has reminded us of the importance of family, friends, and the people in our lives. Now more than ever, we know how important it is to deepen our connections with loved ones, treasure our relationships, and show our tremendous gratitude for every person choosing to risk their lives serving others.

Looking for Moments of Hope

Though life has changed, the goodwill and kindness of everyday people continue to shine. Whether it’s large organizations or individuals, people are taking action to provide relief and support to those suffering hardships or at the greatest risk from COVID-19.

  • A teenage boy in Farmington Hills, MI decided to start his own local chapter of Invisible Hands to offer free delivery of food and essential supplies to senior citizens and vulnerable members of our communities.
  • Comerica Bank is not only offering various loan payment deferrals and fee waiver options, but is offering $4 million in nationwide COVID-19 relief through their Comerica Charitable Foundation.
  • In addition to an all-hands-on-deck strategy, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is waiving all member copays, deductibles and coinsurance for COVID-19 testing and treatment.

That’s only a glimpse at what’s being done by groups large and small. We’re proud of the action being taken by concerned and engaged members of our community. It’s through efforts like these that we’ll come out the other side of our COVID-19 struggles closer and stronger than before.

On a final note, we want to say THANK YOU to every one of you and your families! We are watching you meet this challenge head on in spite of meager resources and your colleagues being stretched thin and stressed out. Yet you find the resolve to push forward and that gives us hope.

There are many tremendous organizations helping others especially during this time. Here are a few we support:

Stay safe and stay strong!

Your partners at w3r Consulting


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