
Can Better Data Practices Fight Healthcare Fraud and Abuse?

Can Better Data Practices Fight Healthcare Fraud and Abuse?

Fraud will always be an ongoing fight in the insurance sector, but the problem appears to have worsened with digital transformation. Statistics from the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud indicate that annual fraud increased from $80 billion in 1995 to $308 billion in...

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How Hyperscale Computing Can Elevate Data-Mature Businesses

How Hyperscale Computing Can Elevate Data-Mature Businesses

A limitless growth mindset is baked into the business world these days, thanks in part to the runaway proliferation of data. We’re on our way to making hundreds of zettabytes of data every day. The almost unfathomable increase has prompted more enterprises to prepare...

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A Holiday Message from w3r Consulting

A Holiday Message from w3r Consulting

Thank you: It’s a message we hope shines through every action we take during the holiday season. Especially after a year filled with exciting opportunities and hard work with plenty to be thankful for. Here’s a shortlist of shoutouts to those who share a stake in our...

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3 Reasons Insurers Should Embrace Multi-Cloud Environments

3 Reasons Insurers Should Embrace Multi-Cloud Environments

Though there are dominant players in the cloud computing space, there are no true monopolies. The expanding number of cloud vendors has created a blizzard of options, compelling insurance companies to sift through PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS choices in search of the perfect...

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