
Reflecting on Industry Challenges and Women in IT: Lessons from the TSA Executive Summit 2022

Jan 5, 2023

Reflecting on Industry Challenges and Women in IT: Lessons from the TSA Executive Summit 2022

As 2022 ends, we’re reflecting on the lessons we’ve learned from first-hand victories and the insights gained from observing market trends and changes. In a year of renewed connections with other organizations in the staffing and consulting industry, we walked away with some considerable perspectives to add to our own experiences.

The 2022 TechServe Executive Summit was a great example. This year, JoAnn Mackie and other members of the w3r Consulting team attended the conference in Palm Springs, CA, joining executives and innovators to discuss the ongoing talent crisis, economic uncertainty, women in tech, and overall opportunities to grow. Here’s what they learned.

Rethinking How to Address Industry Challenges

As always, the TechServe Executive Summit brought together a variety of incredible speakers and thought leaders who helped put the challenges of the modern landscape into perspective and gave attendees roadmaps to overcome them. Cohosted by the Society for Information Management, the conference assembled executive-level perspectives from a variety of disciplines that determine enterprise success.

In the keynote sessions, the economist and author Alan Beaulieu pulled from decades of knowledge on practical strategies for businesses to boost their bottom lines and fortify their future outlook. During his session, he addressed the forecast and potential challenges for 2023, which we’re taking seriously since he has miraculously predicted global economic trends with 96% accuracy. Alan was adamant about organizations preparing for a recession even as they are working towards generating growth and new opportunities.

During the General Session with Colin Coggins and Garrett Brown, attendees were guided through a unique perspective on sales. In their book “The Unsold Mindset,” they discuss how a business leader’s self-awareness around their value and their candor about what they know wins business through radical authenticity. This perspective offered a fresh and vibrant take on how to grow during uncertain times.

These and other sessions were only part of the incredible value of the Executive Summit. We also had an opportunity to interact with other members of the staffing and recruiting ecosystem, learning about new techniques and tools that can advance the way we serve our clients. In fact, the speed at which platforms and solutions are evolving has the potential to transform the entire recruitment process.

Giving Women the Means to Thrive

One of the highlights of this year’s TechServe Alliance conference was the Executive Women’s Luncheon event, which had a record 130 women as well as some men coming together to share stories, discuss, challenges, and celebrate wins. These types of events and conversations are key to making strides in greater diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“During COVID, the women of the TechServe Alliance executive council started a roundtable, meeting virtually on a monthly basis to mentor, coach, and support each other through this challenging time,” said JoAnn. “Meeting face-to-face during the luncheon secured our bonds even more so.”

At the Executive Luncheon, participants were given a book called Together We Rise. The work is a collaboration of prominent women in staffing writing about how they helped other women to surmount challenges and thrive during the pandemic. Stories in the book covered topics ranging from health and wellness to women taking care of themselves first, which is an important message for women who are executives to internalize.

“As women, we are often socialized to take care of others first, but that’s not always the most prudent course of action,” said JoAnn. “Think of it this way: when a plane is in an emergency situation, they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first, and this book provides examples of why it’s important to put yourself first to be your best self.”

The women took a pledge before leaving the luncheon to create one deliberate act per day to help another woman rise. The passion and support of this group was truly inspiring.

Looking Forward

As always, attending these types of events offers clarity on the marketplace and some of the big issues the industry needs to address. With the time and space to consider the implications of these insights, w3r Consulting is better prepared to tackle the challenges of 2023, providing value to organizations now and going forward.

The TechServe Alliance Executive Summit was only one source of incredible insight this year. Read our blog to learn more about the insider perspectives we’ve gathered while attending industry conferences.



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