
4 Problems Effective Contingent Workforce Management Fixes

Jan 9, 2018

4 Problems Effective Contingent Workforce Management Fixes

Finding, interviewing, hiring, onboarding, managing, and offboarding a single consultant proves challenging enough; expand that search to 20 or more consultants at once and the hiring process just about consumes your schedule. When the strict deadlines of time-sensitive projects are added to the mix, one of the few successful ways to accelerate hiring and maximize deliverables is to trust in contingent workforce management. Here are four problems that going with a project based staffing firm when hiring a contingent workforce overcomes.

1.) Finding Quality Professionals

Talent shortages in healthcare, finance, IT, and other industries require constant pipelining to keep a steady supply of high quality professionals in your orbit. Consultants move in and out of contract opportunities, and benchmark skillsets evolve as the industry changes. Keeping track of which qualified candidates are available when is a full-time job.

Take our own experience overseeing staffing for healthcare payors during their HEDIS enrollment. Our recruiters work closely with healthcare payors to provide flexible staff experienced for HEDIS outreach. Clients’ HEDIS rankings and NCQA accreditation depend on up-to-date knowledge, requiring our team to maintain connections with candidates well-versed in the latest HEDIS measures.

For example, value-based care measures now include telehealth and addiction treatment to fight against the opioid crisis, requiring our recruiters to regularly expand their knowledge of HEDIS quality measures to ensure the contingent workforce solutions we provide satisfy the effectiveness and experience of care standards for clients and members.

2.) Identifying the Right Candidate Profile

Picking the right candidates from the rest of the talent pool takes more than industry knowledge. There needs to be an in-depth understanding of your business, your culture, and the objectives of the project itself to elicit the best results. Often, this barrier is difficult for anyone other than specialized contingent workforce staffing firms to overcome.

The primary challenge is one of balance, netting the desired number of contingent workers without sacrificing quality. Our screening process for a financial services company seeking out customer representatives achieved that equilibrium from the start. We worked closely with decision makers to evaluate their staffing needs, job requirements, and forecasted call volume requirements. This foreknowledge helped us to create a multi-level screening process that highlighted candidates who would help achieve project goals, fit the company culture, and provide needed experience. By handling interviews and onboarding processes in bulk, we ramped up the project quickly and efficiently.

3.) Providing Replacements on Short Notice

A contingent workforce needs to operate at full capacity for the duration of a project or risk missing key deliverables. Maintaining a strong pipeline not only funnels high quality talent into your business from the beginning, but also provides a much needed safety net to sustain full project productivity.

What happens when candidates falloff? A few consultants leaving prematurely is nothing out of the ordinary. Building up a cache of replacement talent prevents businesses from being caught unaware. Using effective contingent workforce management solutions enables your business to be responsive and urgently backfill vacated positions with qualified candidates. That way, your project is operating at full capacity for its duration without your business needing to scramble for the replacements.

4.) Overseeing Contingent Workforce Management

Beyond achieving project goals, the day-to-day management of your team of consultants takes work.  Who handles scheduling and attendance? Who oversees payments and sorts out issues with compensation? Who manages all the questions coming from consultants to reduce attrition and maintain morale? If it’s your business, then you might be distracted from the primary objectives of the project itself.

Handing off contingent workforce management to a trained staffing partner ensures that your business can focus on deliverables without overlooking your workforce in the process. Want to learn how we can simplify hiring for your next big project?




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