How w3r Consulting Emphasizes Appreciation and Community Outreach
In our almost 25 years of business, we’ve learned our fair share of lessons, but one that’s proved universal is that every business, no matter their industry, achieves their goals through an abundance of incredible people. Thanks to hard-working employees, loyal customers, and a supportive community, w3r Consulting has grown over the years. In that spirit of thankfulness, we have worked to show our ongoing appreciation to our incredible partners through the holiday season, the New Year, and beyond. Here’s how:
Rewarding Hard Work
Every year, we make it a priority to show our deepest appreciation during the holiday season to one of our greatest corporate assets: our people. Our annual thank you event is the hallmark w3r Consulting celebration, bringing our internal staff, their significant others, and any key w3r supporters together for a night of fun and gratitude.
Once again, attendees enjoyed a memorable night in one of Detroit’s finest hotels and casinos. Throughout the night, we made a point to thank everyone for their contributions to w3r Consulting and outline our vision for 2019. Then, we partied. Everyone had a chance to savor a fantastically plated meal, relish in each other’s company, show off their moves on the dance floor, and take advantage of the hotel’s many amenities. After the event, everyone departed with a personalized gift and a sense that their time, effort, and talents were deeply valued.
Celebrating Partnerships
Our clients and partners are an essential part of our success in talent solutions, data management and analytics, and enterprise consulting services. Through their ongoing trust and endorsement, we’ve been able to constantly evolve our services and advance our benchmark of excellence. For all of their support over the years, we make a point of saying “thank you” to our current and former clients through an unforgettable night at one of Detroit’s hottest venues.
As always, the w3r Consulting client holiday party provided attendees with an opportunity to socialize and build their network in an engaging atmosphere. Guests enjoyed a strolling dinner, eating delicious hors d’oeuvres while enjoying music, dancing, and a nightcap of spirits and cigars. At the end of the night, each guest departed with a holiday card and the latest commemorative w3r ink pen – a 15-year tradition that is almost a collector item.
Contributing to STEM Education
In our experience, prosperous companies achieve their success through the contributions and support of their local communities. With that debt of gratitude, we make it a priority to pay forward our good fortune to promising local STEM talent, distributing $100,000 in local scholarships among 20 exceptional students over a five-year period.
In our third year, we gave out two $5,000 scholarships to Yousif Yousif and Tammam Noori through the Chaldean Chamber of Commerce and two $5,000 scholarships to Gabrielle McCoy and Aaron Goodson at the 2018 Sankofa Black Business Gala hosted by the National Business League. Here’s a little about each:
Yousif Yousif
Oakland University
Junior Year
Biological Sciences Major
Tammam Noori
Oakland University
Senior Year
Pre-Dentistry Major
Gabrielle McCoy
University of Southern Indiana
Junior Year
Junior Civil Engineering Major
Aaron Goodson
Macomb Community College
Sophomore Year
Software Programmer/Developer Major
“The hard work, dedication to community, and pride in excellence that each of our scholarship winners displays is a real indicator of how bright their future careers and civic lives will be,” said Keith Echols, Executive Vice President of w3r Consulting. “STEM education can be a gateway to a world of exciting opportunities and challenges, and we at w3r Consulting want to help open that door for young people in the communities we call home.”
Beyond contributing to STEM education in Detroit, our team has also committed to helping out our neighbors in need. This year, we are planning to continue our involvement with Gleaners Community Food Bank, gardening in the summer and packing food for distribution in the fall, with other volunteering events coming up as our employees bring us their passion projects.
Once again, we want to thank our employees, clients, and community for their contributions to our success. There is plenty to be excited for in 2019 and we hope you follow us for the ride.
Want to learn more about the latest w3r Consulting community outreach and happenings? Follow news about our community involvement and latest awards here!
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