
We Light the Night: w3r Consulting & the Detroit Community Join the Fight Against Blood Cancers

Oct 10, 2022

We Light the Night: w3r Consulting & the Detroit Community Join the Fight Against Blood Cancers


Last year, there were an estimated 186,400 new cases of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma diagnosed across the United States. In addition to that, approximately 1.5 million Americans live with or are in remission from these types of blood cancer, which doesn’t even begin to account for the untold family members and friends supporting them. What if your actions could make a positive impact on all these groups?

With events like The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night 2022, our community has a chance to take a stand and provide a ray of hope to those in need. Since we always strive to care, members of the w3r Consulting team were willing to step up and work towards a solution.

A Local Part of the Larger Fight Against Cancer

Since their very beginning, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has dedicated their efforts to innovation. They fund research into blood cancer and treatments as well as providing services to patients and their families. The national organization has raised $1.5 billion towards groundbreaking studies and trials that have ensured new diagnoses have more optimistic outlooks.

The Light the Night 2022 event brought together members of the w3r Consulting team and a few hundred compassionate Detroiters to join the fight against cancer. Attendees started the night at Hart Plaza, socializing with the other participants and learning more about local sponsors. After the opening ceremony, we lit our paper lanterns and began our one mile walk to “celebrate, honor, and remember those touched by cancer.”

Collectively, we raised over $500,000 at the Midland event for blood-cancer research as well as the care and support of patients and their families. This surpassed the $435,000 raised in last year’s event local event. Combined with the efforts of the over 50,000 domestic volunteers each year, LLS can continue to make a massive impact on the quality of lives of patients and their caregivers nationwide.

“The fight against cancer requires all of us to contribute to research that achieves breakthroughs and provides hope for millions of Americans,” said David Reich, VP of Strategy & Business Development. “I was happy to see members of the w3r Consulting team doing their part to help this big-hearted organization make the change we want to see in the world.”

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night 2022 event is just one of the many ways we strive to give back to the community’s which support our success. Follow all the latest w3r Consulting news (and learn about other incredible nonprofits) on our blog.




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